Some classy numbers here. Tell us if yours is among them.Some classy numbers here. Tell us if yours is among them.
Some classy numbers here. Tell us if yours is among them.

Nine Sunderland football sides in their Sunday League strips from over the years

9 kits you might remember from Sunday League games in Sunderland

Who had the best kit in Sunday League football in Sunderland?

That's our question as we go retro for the finest strip on Wearside over the years.

The football season is here again and that means more new kits to admire.

What about the strips from the past. Have a look at our collection which includes Lakeside, Hendon Athletic, Southwick, Victoria Gardens, The Grange and Queen Vic.

Then get in touch with your own choice.

The football season is here again and that means more new kits to admire.