Appeal lodged after Hetton convenience store plans refused for former garage site

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Controversial plans for a new convenience store are set to be decided by a Government-appointed planning inspector.

An appeal has been lodged against Sunderland City Council’s recent decision to refuse plans for a new shop at Station Road in Hetton.

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A majority of city councillors on the decision-making panel voted to refuse the planning application on parking grounds, particularly around the level of vehicle parking proposed.

Former car showroom site off Station Road, Hetton (February, 2024)Former car showroom site off Station Road, Hetton (February, 2024)
Former car showroom site off Station Road, Hetton (February, 2024)

The decision followed a site visit by councillors and a number of public objections to the conversion, and the refusal went against the advice of council planning officers, who had recommended the scheme for approval.

The refusal was voted through despite arguments that the shop scheme had been changed to address local concerns, including restrictions around opening hours/delivery times, relocating a condenser unit and recent changes to “informalise” parking in front of the store.

It has been confirmed that the applicant is contesting the council refusal decision and has submitted an appeal to the national Planning Inspectorate.

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A planning inspector will now be appointed by the Secretary of State to rule on the matter, which could see the council’s refusal decision being upheld or thrown out.

At the time of writing, only a small number of appeal documents were visible on the council’s public planning portal website.

A copy of the planning appeal form indicates that a “statement of case” has been submitted, and that the appellant is applying for an ‘award of costs’.

An update on the appeal will be published on the Planning Inspectorate’s website once a decision has been made.

For more information on the planning application and appeal, visit Sunderland City Council’s planning portal website and search reference: 23/02499/FUL