Your VE Day anniversary celebrations have been colourful occasions over the years.Your VE Day anniversary celebrations have been colourful occasions over the years.
Your VE Day anniversary celebrations have been colourful occasions over the years.

Nine pictures of past VE Day celebrations in Sunderland, from 1945 to recent anniversaries

On a weekend of incredible events, let’s not forget one of the most important of them all.

Today marks the anniversary of VE Day and Wearside has certainly put on a party in the past to mark the day when Victory in Europe was declared in the Second World War.

We have Sunderland Echo archive photos from the joyous dancing in the streets on that very first VE Day in 1945 as well as scenes from 1995 and 2005.

Re-live the memories from Seaburn, Quarry View, Osborne Road, and Sheringham Close.

Re-live the memories from Seaburn, Quarry View, Osborne Road, and Sheringham Close.