FEELING GREAT: Look after your mental health with positive thinking

A positive mental attitude can work wonders, says Graham.A positive mental attitude can work wonders, says Graham.
A positive mental attitude can work wonders, says Graham.
Since 23 March, when the UK first went into nationwide lockdown, many people have suffered from mental health problems.

In fact, almost one in five adults (19.2%) were likely to be experiencing some form of depression during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in June 2020; this had almost doubled from around 1 in 10 (9.7%) before the pandemic (July 2019 to March 2020).

This is not surprising because the whole situation is very challenging. It’s stressful. It’s uncertain.

But, we need to try and focus on the POSITIVE things.

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It doesn’t matter what you think about the way the pandemic is being dealt with, we cannot change the rules. We cannot control what the government do. We cannot control what other people do.

But we CAN control how we react to it and how we handle the situation.

You can either:

Have a negative outlook... go in a huff, moan, complain, get stressed, reach for the booze, comfort yourself with takeaway foods and stop your exercise routine. All of which will not change the situation and certainly won’t make you feel any better.

Or, you can have a positive outlook... focus on the things that you can control. Your diet, your fitness, your health. Eat healthy foods to boost your immune system. Do just 10 minutes of exercise a day to clear your mind. Avoid junk food and excess alcohol. Speak to your family and friends, have a laugh. Set yourself a challenge!

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Positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. Thinking positively can have a profound effect on your overall health and wellbeing.

Personally, I’m going for the second option. I could cry about my birthday celebrations being ruined. I could whinge about more interruptions for my business. I could worry about what’s going to happen after the 4-week lockdown. But, I’ve decided to be positive and use the next 4 weeks to improve my lifestyle. I’m going to focus on eating healthy foods. I’m going to improve the quality of my sleep - I’ve signed up for a 21-day self-improvement course. I’m going to increase my exercise - I’ve joined a 100-mile running challenge for November. I’m going to reduce my coffee intake (caffeine makes anxiety worse btw). I’m also moving all of my PT sessions and classes online to keep our members fit and healthy, and I’m going to be working harder than ever to keep them motivated.

It’s your choice! Which one are you going to choose?


You don’t need any equipment for this workout so it’s ideal to do at home during Lockdown. It will challenge all parts of your body, it will get your blood pumping and it will leave you feeling better physically and mentally in just 10 minutes.

20 seconds LUNGES

20 seconds SQUAT JACKS

20 seconds ISO SQUAT

20 seconds rest

20 seconds PRESS UPS

20 seconds PUSHBACKS

20 seconds PLANK GET UPS

20 seconds rest