Letter of the week: What a mess Sunderland is becoming

Rubbish in back lanes near Southwick Road, Sunderland, during a previous complaint about littler sweeping the city's streets.Rubbish in back lanes near Southwick Road, Sunderland, during a previous complaint about littler sweeping the city's streets.
Rubbish in back lanes near Southwick Road, Sunderland, during a previous complaint about littler sweeping the city's streets.
The saying goes, things will get worse before they get better.

In my eyes things will get worse before they will get worse still.

I had some time on my hands so I went for a walk around Sunderland. What I saw was Sunderland is becoming a dump, Southwick Road is a big mess and Southwick Green is also a dump. High Street West, Holmeside, even Fawcett Street are ruined.

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Also read: New project helps Sunderland residents reclaim their streetsIf I can make an effort to look around Sunderland surely the powers that be could do the same and see what a big mess Sunderland is becoming.

Edwin Robinson.

Last week's Letter of the week: Does Spice Girls concert need Sunderland council subsidy of up to £50,000